Friday, 29 July 2011

The journey

I recently posted the thought that without the journey there is no destination. I was considering the "walking on water" stories Mat 14, Mark 6 and Jn 6 (45) Jesus MADE the disciples get into the boat and he gave them their destination. In spite of just experiencing the feeding of the 5000 Jesus knew that they still did not understand who he was and what he was to achieve. They probably thought they did but they were seeing and rationalising things through their human senses as we often do. Jesus used the journey to uncover their fears and doubts and to underline his divine nature. They needed to see him walking on the water they needed to see him still the storm they needed to declare "truly you are the Son of God". So do we. When our faith is tried/prooved we often need to see Jesus doing the impossible, to still the storms of doubt and emotion that rage within us. It is our journey that is the testing ground. It is the events of the journey that reveal the weaknesses and faults in our faith. (1Pe 1v7)
Why, because it is His will that we should be conformed to the likness of the Messiah. (Ro 8). Between a promise and it's fulfillment will be times when our faith is tested ( Jn 16 v 33). God will reveal the true nature of our attitudes and act accordingly, not to punish us but to conform us to Christlikeness.
Have a wonderful journey. ( Ro 12 v 2 )