Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Questions v questioning

Have you a friend who, when God does not respond in the way or in the time they expect, immediately questions the validity of Gods word and repeatedly asks "why?" or "why not?". Now there is nothing wrong in asking God questions but questioning God is altogether different.
When Adam was in the 'garden' he lived in faith; no questions, no doubts, simply trusting God for everything. As soon as he ate from the tree of knowledge faith started to die. Man today wants to know, to fully understand everything before belief in God can be contemplated. God says " believe by faith and your understanding will be enlightened."
A servant simply needs to understand  the master's desires. They have no need to know why before they fulfil their task. Isaiah 45 warns us not to quarrel with our maker. Faith is all about trust. Questions can be positive and enlightening, leading to understanding and maturity but when 'self' starts to question God's word and His divine authority, it is the voice of doubt that speaks and doubt decays and rots and is a barrier to relationship and answered prayer. (James 1v 6/7/8). Matthew 6 tells us to 'seek first the kingdom of God and then all that we need will be added to us just as it originally was for Adam. May we aim to do and say everything to the Glory of God, out of loving obedience. If we do anything simply from a sense of duty we are no better than the Pharisees. This week let us check our motives; read and absorb James 3 v 17/18 and let Faith (in God) transcend our feelings. Encourage yoursef and read Ephesians 1. May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. ( Philip 4)