Friday, 9 September 2011


First please read Hebrews 11 and consider what you have read.
FAITH connects us to God. FAITH brings certainty rather than vague hope. FAITH holds onto that certainty even when we have not yet seen the fulfilment of God’s word. Faith makes it possible to please God. FAITH confirms to our spirit that God exists. FAITH confirms to us God’s gift of eternal life. FAITH enables us to fix our eyes on God and assures us that He bestows blessings on those who earnestly seek Him. FAITH is belief in action..We immediately begin to His word(s) into action, or we get on with life and wait patiently and expectantly for the time of fulfilment of a specific promise. FAITH is prepared to surrender material things, worldly status, even life itself to attain to Christ- likeness through trusting obedience and humility. FAITH is absolute trust in the grace, mercy and sovereignty of creator God. FAITH in action is true worship. We need that GRACE and MERCY for surely we all are aware of the battle that seeks to destroy the stronghold of faith, our Doubt, anxiety, anger, jealousy etc. Mercifully we have a Saviour who is aware of our human weaknesses and he will not quench even a smouldering ember but will always aid us in fanning that ember into a flame of faithful living. We have a God who is always faithful. Even when we experience the outward ageing of our bodies, inwardly we can be constantly renewed. Remember the WWJD bracelets? Why not change the original slogan to Walk With Jesus Diligently or Walk With Jesus Daily. May the blessing and peace and encouragement of God our father be with and remain with you always.