Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The Word

In my last submission we considered the absolute importance and power of GOD’S WORD. Nothing I say or write could do justice to this subject but as we contemplate the Word of God His Holy Spirit will inspire us.
This Christmas time consider why Jesus came to earth.  1 John 3:8 tells us that “Jesus, the Son of God, came to destroy (to bring to nothing) the devil’s works”. He came to break down the gates of hell to set us free from sin. He came to open up the Way of Truth and to lead us in to Life eternal.
Heb 11:6 tells us  “Without faith it is impossible to please God”  and we attain to faith by hearing; reading and absorbing the Word of God (Rom 10:17)
Heb 4:12 says, “the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.
  Sounds drastic yet it is necessary because as John 17:17 says, “Gods Word is truth and we are sanctified ( that is taken through the process of being made Holy) by the Word of God”
Many today are being miss-led and deceived by men with the gift of oratory because, unlike the Bareans (acts 17:11) who searched the scriptures for themselves to make sure they were hearing the truth, they willingly and lazily, accept the word of man rather than seek out the truth of God’s Holy Word for themselves.
Read the Word, devour the Word for the new testament is full of warnings concerning false prophets and teachers who manipulate and deceive many for their own gain.
The Word of God is the sword of the Holy Spirit (Ep 6:17) It is the Word of God engraved on our hearts that will enable us to rightly discern truth from error, to know the will of God for our lives and to fight off the onslaught of satanic thoughts.
 Dut 8:3(Mat 4 and Lk 4) “man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” 
It is a simple fact that if you stop eating and you will die. The same principal applies spiritually.
Whatever appears on your tables this Christmas make sure you Feast on the Word of God. 
Have a wonderful time.