Tuesday 20 December 2011

The Word

In my last submission we considered the absolute importance and power of GOD’S WORD. Nothing I say or write could do justice to this subject but as we contemplate the Word of God His Holy Spirit will inspire us.
This Christmas time consider why Jesus came to earth.  1 John 3:8 tells us that “Jesus, the Son of God, came to destroy (to bring to nothing) the devil’s works”. He came to break down the gates of hell to set us free from sin. He came to open up the Way of Truth and to lead us in to Life eternal.
Heb 11:6 tells us  “Without faith it is impossible to please God”  and we attain to faith by hearing; reading and absorbing the Word of God (Rom 10:17)
Heb 4:12 says, “the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.
  Sounds drastic yet it is necessary because as John 17:17 says, “Gods Word is truth and we are sanctified ( that is taken through the process of being made Holy) by the Word of God”
Many today are being miss-led and deceived by men with the gift of oratory because, unlike the Bareans (acts 17:11) who searched the scriptures for themselves to make sure they were hearing the truth, they willingly and lazily, accept the word of man rather than seek out the truth of God’s Holy Word for themselves.
Read the Word, devour the Word for the new testament is full of warnings concerning false prophets and teachers who manipulate and deceive many for their own gain.
The Word of God is the sword of the Holy Spirit (Ep 6:17) It is the Word of God engraved on our hearts that will enable us to rightly discern truth from error, to know the will of God for our lives and to fight off the onslaught of satanic thoughts.
 Dut 8:3(Mat 4 and Lk 4) “man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” 
It is a simple fact that if you stop eating and you will die. The same principal applies spiritually.
Whatever appears on your tables this Christmas make sure you Feast on the Word of God. 
Have a wonderful time.

Thursday 15 December 2011

I have not added to this blog for some time, mainly because of my view of my feelings. Knowing the battles and confusions and doubts that I go through, who am I to think that I can encourage anyone in their spiritual walk? My health has taken a few set- backs and I felt weary and tired and a bit sorry for myself. I started to question the whole area of faith; how could I say I have faith yet feel so down?  How could I encourage anyone in their spiritual battles? Physician heal thyself echoed in my head and feelings of inadequacy started to eat away at my reliance on God and his word and joy started to ebb ; as joy ebbs so does strength, physical and spiritual.
Years ago an old preacher drilled into me “to adequately fulfil Gods’ plan you must devour Gods’ word and allow faith to transcend your feelings”
My friend Darina recently reminded me of this.
I had been thinking about Jonah and his reluctance to obey; his wrong attitude and wrong motive. He eventually preached Gods’ word and energetically condemned their way of life, then sat on the hillside waiting to see Gods’ vengeance fall upon the city only to see that when they took note of God’s word and repented it was Gods’ grace and salvation that descended not vengeance.
The word of God is the key, not the messenger. It has nothing to do with me or how I feel. Gods’ word is the power, not the messenger or their state of health or motive.
(cf Phil 1 v 26-28) It has nothing to do with intelligence or eloquence. It is the power of the word of God. Many wonderful preachers and teachers were ‘converted’ by the most humble of men preaching a simple but true message.
"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God". When God speaks things happen. Nothing can withstand Gods’ word. Absorb it, devour it speak it out with simple sincerity and most of all DO IT with gladness no matter how you feel.
May you Glorify God this Christmas season with gratitude for all He has done for us and trully trust in His unfailing love.
More later

Monday 7 November 2011


Acts 16 v 31 “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved”
Iin contrast James 2 says “even the demons believe” so clearly believing, in itself, is not the key to salvation.
As I thought about this I realised that there is belief that demands only an intellectual agreement without action and there is a belief born of conviction that requires action as a proof of belief.
Hebrews tells us that people heard the message (and may even have believed it) but it was of no value to them because they did not combine it with faith.
Faith is belief demonstrated by action.  To have faith in scripture is to believe it and be obedient to it
Jesus said that his true disciples are those who not only hear and believe his teaching; they are those who act upon it; they live it.
If we truly are living by faith in Jesus then we will be living his word.  To say we believe and not “do” is to be in a state of rebellion.
If we recognise Jesus as our saviour and we are truly believing in Jesus then we will beliving Jesus because he, the living Word, abides in us. We unselfishly live out his word and will for no other reason than to glorify him
Truly believing The Gospel is to actively be living the gospel.
Faithfully BELIEVING the gospel is to be BE LIVING the gospel.  Faithfully BELIEVING the gospel is to be BE LIVING the gospel.  Faithfully BELIEVING the gospel is to be BE LIVING the gospel.   OK? So let’s do it in word and deed. ( thoughts do not bless anyone).

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Lay hold of scripture (2)

A morning prayer from  Ephesians 6.
Today Lord may I be strengthened by your mighty power. I am getting dressed in your spiritual armor so that I can take my stand against all that is ungodly. I understand my struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of evil in this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore I put on your armor, so that when trials and tribulations come I may be able to firmly stand my ground. I buckle the belt of truthfulness around my waist. I put on the breastplate of your righteousness  to keep my heart attitudes pure.
My shoes are the gospel of your peace so that wherever I go may I tread peacefully.
In addition to all this, I take up the shield of faith, with which I can divert all the wrong and negative attitudes and feelings of the evil one. Your word tells me that you, the Lord God almighty, you are my shield. Wow! think about that.
  On my head I place the helmet of Christ’s salvation; for the wonderful knowledge of your salvation brings me into communion with God the Father, assures me of your presence, confirms my future and guards my mind from unholy thoughts.
 In my hand I take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Holy word of your power.
Lord please enable me to be alert to the needs around me and to spread the good news of your gospel in word and deed and to remain in a constant state of prayer
May I take every opportunity to encourage and build up those I make contact with in the hope that they may see something of Jesus in me and perhaps respond to the good news of His gospel. Amen.
“This is the day that the Lord has made; I WILL rejoice and be glad in it”.

Friday 21 October 2011

Lay Hold of Scripture (1)

I am sure that we all go through times when it is all too easy to take our eyes from God and give way to feelings. At such times I often find help in personalising scripture. For instance: ( Philip 4, 4-9)
I am determined to be joyful and content in the Lord at all times and in all situations and to be gentle in spirit. Lord God, you have promised to be with me always. You are always true to your word therefore I have no reason to be anxious about anything.
I need constant help with this Lord. You know my heart is full of sincere thanks and gratitude that, because of all that Jesus has done, I can talk to you directly and request your help and guidance.
I truly believe that your peace, which is far beyond my human understanding, will guard my heart and mind as I remain in communion with Christ Jesus. I try to think only of those things which are true and pure and pleasing to you. I am seeking your Holy Spirits enabling to look for, think about, say and put into practice those words and actions that are encouraging and constructive to those around me and (Phil 4,11) I am learning to be content whatever the circumstances because (1 Tim 6,6) Godliness with contentment is great gain. May I do all to the Glory of your name, amen.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Questions v questioning

Have you a friend who, when God does not respond in the way or in the time they expect, immediately questions the validity of Gods word and repeatedly asks "why?" or "why not?". Now there is nothing wrong in asking God questions but questioning God is altogether different.
When Adam was in the 'garden' he lived in faith; no questions, no doubts, simply trusting God for everything. As soon as he ate from the tree of knowledge faith started to die. Man today wants to know, to fully understand everything before belief in God can be contemplated. God says " believe by faith and your understanding will be enlightened."
A servant simply needs to understand  the master's desires. They have no need to know why before they fulfil their task. Isaiah 45 warns us not to quarrel with our maker. Faith is all about trust. Questions can be positive and enlightening, leading to understanding and maturity but when 'self' starts to question God's word and His divine authority, it is the voice of doubt that speaks and doubt decays and rots and is a barrier to relationship and answered prayer. (James 1v 6/7/8). Matthew 6 tells us to 'seek first the kingdom of God and then all that we need will be added to us just as it originally was for Adam. May we aim to do and say everything to the Glory of God, out of loving obedience. If we do anything simply from a sense of duty we are no better than the Pharisees. This week let us check our motives; read and absorb James 3 v 17/18 and let Faith (in God) transcend our feelings. Encourage yoursef and read Ephesians 1. May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. ( Philip 4)

Tuesday 20 September 2011


Please read Matt 10 v 17-20.  Hey, don’t worry. When you are persecuted it will be your opportunity to bear witness. Various places in the New Testament tell of being at peace, even joyful when going through times of trial and temptation. Our problem may seem like a Goliath but Goliaths were meant to be slain. When David went out he went declaring the name of Jehovah and Gods word. When Jesus was LED into the wilderness he faced His trials by declaring Gods word. He witnessed to the powers of darkness.  Whatever problem we are facing we have the opportunity to declare to the 'heavens' and to mankind ( and to our own spirit) the word and supremacy of God. Jesus went into the wilderness full of the Holy Spirit but came out in the Power of the Spirit (JN 4 v 1 & 14).
He walked in power because he had overcome the tempter. Jesus is at Gods right hand interceding for us, not that we be taken out of our problem but that our faith should not fail. As with the storms on lake Galilee He wants us to go through to the other-side, victorious and strengthened in spirit.
When we stand firm in the strength He gives us, holding fast to His word we witness to heaven and earth that Jesus is Lord, Jesus is MY Lord.  Believe me I know only too well how easily and effectively satan can hog-tie us with our feelings and emotions, but I also know that wielding the sword of God’s word verbally always results in victory.  So, go witness you mighty warriors, God IS with you.  (Jud 6v 12).  Ro 8 v 31 says,“If God is for us who can be against us”. (I got a clue when I looked in the mirror !!)   Know someone who is going through tough times? Get in the boat and row with them, give them comfort and practical support.