Thursday, 15 December 2011

I have not added to this blog for some time, mainly because of my view of my feelings. Knowing the battles and confusions and doubts that I go through, who am I to think that I can encourage anyone in their spiritual walk? My health has taken a few set- backs and I felt weary and tired and a bit sorry for myself. I started to question the whole area of faith; how could I say I have faith yet feel so down?  How could I encourage anyone in their spiritual battles? Physician heal thyself echoed in my head and feelings of inadequacy started to eat away at my reliance on God and his word and joy started to ebb ; as joy ebbs so does strength, physical and spiritual.
Years ago an old preacher drilled into me “to adequately fulfil Gods’ plan you must devour Gods’ word and allow faith to transcend your feelings”
My friend Darina recently reminded me of this.
I had been thinking about Jonah and his reluctance to obey; his wrong attitude and wrong motive. He eventually preached Gods’ word and energetically condemned their way of life, then sat on the hillside waiting to see Gods’ vengeance fall upon the city only to see that when they took note of God’s word and repented it was Gods’ grace and salvation that descended not vengeance.
The word of God is the key, not the messenger. It has nothing to do with me or how I feel. Gods’ word is the power, not the messenger or their state of health or motive.
(cf Phil 1 v 26-28) It has nothing to do with intelligence or eloquence. It is the power of the word of God. Many wonderful preachers and teachers were ‘converted’ by the most humble of men preaching a simple but true message.
"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God". When God speaks things happen. Nothing can withstand Gods’ word. Absorb it, devour it speak it out with simple sincerity and most of all DO IT with gladness no matter how you feel.
May you Glorify God this Christmas season with gratitude for all He has done for us and trully trust in His unfailing love.
More later

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! Most of the time our feelings are deceitful, and our mood takes a rollercoaster ride. But the Word of God is unchangeable and eternal! If we hold on to God's Word we can overcome any and all situations. :)
