Sunday, 7 August 2011

Food for thought

When Jesus was LED into the wilderness to be tested he was FULL of the Holy Spirit. When he came out he came out in the POWER of the holy spirit ( Luk 4 ). I believe the difference was that he came through the testing period as a conqueror and now knew that he could rule and reign in his own heart. No man when tested should say he is being tempted of God (Jam 1) for man is only tempted by the lusts that rise up from within. The scripture tells us that Jesus was like us in every respect, yet without sin ( Heb 4 v 15). That leads me to conclude that Jesus had to face the human lusts for recognition and power and acclaim and this he did whilst enduring physical torment and remaining obedient to Gods holy word. If we want to move in the power of the holy spirit we must remain obedient to the word and leading of God, and be over-comers of our own sinful desires. Power and authority is not going to be invested in someone who is weak and easily persuaded. Don’t blame satan for the trials and troubles you go though that are caused by your own lusts, desires and disobedience. It won’t wash with God.
Pass your test or trial by enduring, persevering and remaining obedient to Gods word. Proove yourself worthy of the responsibility of power.

1 comment:

  1. i admit, this food is difficult to swallow,

    so, go on, brother, we need a diet like that...
